The Ribbon Bar

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The Ribbon Bar

Version 1.0.0

Inside the systemmenu ACMP Button you will find the options for finden Sie die Schaltflächen zu Change Password, Informations, Log out and Exit. In addition you can change the Color Scheme of the ACMP console.


The ribbon bar allows you, pending on the context, access to the ribbon tabs Query Actions and Monitors. On these ribbon you have always access to important functions in the ACMP console.


Depending on your context the ribbon bar will be expanding with individual ribbon tabs with additionally functions for the context. Every ribbon tab arrange the actions in logical group to help you find the correct funktion.


You can hide the ribbon bar by clicking (Priority_Up). To show the ribbon bar temporary select the ribbon tab from the ribbon bar. You will see the ribbon bar as long as you don't click someway in the ACMP console. Naturally you are able to change the ribbon tab.


To show the ribbon bar permanently just click (pin-ribbonleiste). The symbol in the upper right corner on the temporary ribbon bar.

Last change on 12.04.2017