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Version 1.0.0

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hmtoggle_arrow1Create ZIP archive

This command is used to pack or compress files and folders on the clients in an archive. Several options and multiple tabs are available for this purpose.


Most settings are made in the Zip options tab. First specify the output file as well as the root directory, from which the data are to be packed. To this end, the directory and the output file can be be indicated by the buttons or entered manually.


In the Zip options, various properties can be enabled:


Compress file(s)

The added files are then compressed.


Relative path

The relative paths are stored instead of absolute paths.


Save paths

The entire paths of data are saved.



Subfolders and their data/subfolders can be saved as well.


Log added files

The creation of the archive is logged in a file, which lists the added data.


Reset the archive bit

Deletes the archive bit (a possible attribute of files and folders).


Only files with the archive bit

Only files and folders that have a set archive bit are added to the archive.


Generate error if no files have been added

The command is canceled, if no file has been added to the archive.


Generate error if a file does not exist

The command is canceled if a file does not exist. This may happen if, e.g., temporary files are available in the folder to be archived, which existed at the start of the process and were deleted relatively promptly. - CreateZIPArchive


The archive can be protected with a password in the Password section. This must be entered twice to avoid typing errors.


In the Files tab, you can specify if all files in the specified root directory should be added to the archive or only specific files. If only a selection is to be added to the archive, these files must be specified in the bottom field above the buttons.


In the tab Exclude files, certain files can be excluded from archiving. These files, as well as the files in the tab Files, must be entered vial the button in the bottom field.


hmtoggle_arrow1Extract ZIP archive

This command serves to unpack zip archives on the client machines. To do so, you first have to specify the zip file as well as the destination folder, in which the files are to be unpacked. You can do this with the buttons right next to the input boxes or manually. - ExtractZIPArchive


With the Unzip options, you can also specify if any existing files should be overwritten Always or  Never. Furthermore, there is the possibility to overwrite files only when they are older or newer than the files in the archive. If the directories, which are packaged in the zip archive, are not available, these directories can be created. If files are skipped because they do not comply with the overwrite criterion, the command can be cancelled.


Furthermore, you can determin in Unpacked files if only certain files should be unpacked or all of them. In addition, you can set a password, if you want to protect the archive to be unpacked with a password.

Last change on 10.03.2014