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Version 1.0.0

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hmtoggle_arrow1Create XML file

With this command you can create and save a new XML file. In the Details tab, you first have to select the location of the XML file by clicking the adjacent button to obtain a file selection dialog. Then specify the name you want to assign to the file in Root. Afterwards, you can also specify the code page of the XML file.. With the drop-down list you can choose from the most common code pages, but you can also enter a code page, provided your operating system supports it. Code page UTF-16 is not supported as yet. - CreateXMLfile


You can specify optionally that the directory structure must be created if it does not yet exist. Furthermore, an existing file can be overwritten.


hmtoggle_arrow1Create XML element

With this command you can create an XML file at any place in an XML file. First select the XML file in the Details tab by clicking the adjacent button to obtain a file selection dialog. With Parent XPath, you have to specify the XML node, in which the new XML is to be created. If you do not want to enter the node manually, you can open an XPath browser with the adjacent button. With the latter you can navigate through the XML document like with the Windows Explorer and select the appropriate node. Nodes are indicated here by folder icons. Any existing node texts are indicated by a folder icon with lettering. In the right column of the browser, the attributes of the selected node are listed. - CreateXMLelement


In Elementname, enter the name of the newly created XML element. Finally, specify a variable in which the XPath expression of the created node is saved. In other XML commands, this XPath can be used to build, for example, entire XML document structures without having to select the XPath XPath via the browser.


hmtoggle_arrow1Delete XML element

With this command you can delete an XML file from any place in an XML file. First select the XML file in the Details tab by clicking the adjacent button to obtain a file selection dialog. - DeleteXMLelement


With XPath, specify the XML node that is to be deleted. If you do not want to enter the node manually, you can open an XPath browser with the adjacent button. With the latter you can navigate through the XML document like with the Windows Explorer and select the appropriate node. Nodes are indicated her by folder icons. Any existing node texts are indicated by a folder icon with lettering. In the right column of the browser, the attributes of the selected node are listed.


hmtoggle_arrow1Create XML text node/attribute

With this command you can add a text or an attribute to an XML element. First select the XML file in the Details tab by clicking the adjacent button to obtain a file selection dialog. With XPath, specify the XML node that is to be modified. If you do not want to enter the node manually, you can open an XPath browser with the adjacent button. With the latter you can navigate through the XML document like with the Windows Explorer and select the appropriate node. Nodes are indicated here by folder icons. Any existing node texts are indicated by a folder icon with lettering. In the right column of the browser, the attributes of the selected node are listed. - CreateXMLTextNodeAttribute


Now enter with Insert mode if you want to insert a text or an attribute. Depending on the selection, you then have to enter a text or an attribute name and attribute text. The insert is made with the following syntax: <Knotenname>text</Knotenname> or<Knotenname Attributname=“Attributtext“ />


With the Option, you can specify if a ginve text of the node or attribute text of an existing attribute with the same name should be overwritten.


hmtoggle_arrow1Iterate XML file

With this command the direct nodes within a selected node can be iterated, and their values can be read off. This command is a command loop, which serves to execute the subordinate commands on each directly subsequent node of the selected node. - IterateXMLfile


First select the XML file in the Details tab by clicking the adjacent button to obtain a file selection dialog. Specify with XPath the XML nodes that you want to iterate. If you do not want to enter the node manually, you can open an XPath browser with the adjacent button. With the latter you can navigate through the XML document like with the Windows Explorer and select the appropriate node. Nodes are indicated here by folder icons. Any existing node texts are indicated by a folder icon with lettering. In the right column of the browser, the attributes of the selected node are listed.


Now enter variables for the subnode, text, attributes and the XPath. The name of the subnode is saved in the variable of the subnode. The variable for the text refers to the text of the subnode. The attributes of a subnode are saved in the format AName1=AWert1,AName2=AValue2,… The XPath finally stores the XPath to the current subnode.


hmtoggle_arrow1XML element count

With this command, you can determine the sub-node of XML nodes. First select the XML file in the Details tab by clicking the adjacent button to obtain a file selection dialog. Specify the XML node with XPath. If you do not want to enter the node manually, you can open an XPath browser with the adjacent button. With the latter you can navigate through the XML document like with the Windows Explorer and select the appropriate node. Nodes are indicated here by folder icons. Any existing node texts are indicated by a folder icon with lettering. In the right column of the browser, the attributes of the selected node are listed. - XMLelementCount


The number of elements of the subnodes in the specified variable for the number of elements is contained in the syntax: Subnode0=Number,Subnode1=Number,… Example: 0=2,1=2,2=2,3=5


hmtoggle_arrow1XML attribute count

With this command you can determine the number of attributes of subnodes. First select the XML file in the Details tab by clicking the adjacent button to obtain a file selection dialog. Specify the XML node with XPath. If you do not want to enter the node manually, you can open an XPath browser with the adjacent button. With the latter you can navigate through the XML document like with the Windows Explorer and select the appropriate node. Nodes are indicated here by folder icons. Any existing node texts are indicated by a folder icon with lettering. In the right column of the browser, the attributes of the selected node are listed. - XMLattributeCount


The number of elements of the subnodes in the specified variable for the number of elements is contained in the syntax: Subnode0=Number,Subnode1=Number, Example: 0=2,1=2,2=2,3=5

Last change on 10.03.2014