
Navigation:  License Management > Licenses >


Version 1.0.0

To organise your coefficients you can create a directory structure.


Supplied Coefficients

So that you can already use License Management as early as possible, we deliver the following current license coefficients directly:



Licence Coefficients


SQL Server 2017 - 2012 Core (physical server)

Physical_Host_CPU_Count * Max(Physical_Host_CPU_Core_Count, 4)

At least 4 Cores per CPU.

SQL Server 2008 (R2) CPU (physical server)


One licence per CPU

SQL Server 2017 - 2012 vCore (indivudual VM)

Max(CPU_Count * CPU_Core_Count, 4)

At least 4 vCores per VM.

SQL Server 2008 (R2) vCore (individual VM)

RoundUp((CPU_Count * CPU_Core_Count) / Physical_Host_CPU_LogicalProcessor_Count)

Sum of VM assigned virtual Cores divided by the sum of the Cores per physical CPU.

Server 2016 Core + CAL

Max(Physical_Host_CPU_Count * Max(Physical_Host_CPU_Core_Count, 8), 16)

At least 8 Cores per CPU.

At least 16 Cores per Server.

In addition, Client Access Licences (CALs) are required.

Server 2012 (R2) Standard/Datacenter CPU + CAL

RoundUp(Physical_Host_CPU_Count / 2)

One licence covers up to 2 CPUs.

In addition, Client Access Licences (CALs) are required.

Server 2012 (R2) Essentials/Foundation


One licence per Server

Server 2008 (R2) Standard/Enterprise Server + CAL


One licence per Server.

In addition, Client Access Licences (CALs) are required.

Server 2008 (R2) Datacenter/Iterium-Based CPU + CAL


On licence per CPU.

In addition, Client Access Licences (CALs) are required.


VMWare vSphere 5/6


One licence per CPU.

VMWare vSphere 4.x Advanced/Enterprise Plus

Physical_Host_CPU_Count * RoundUp(Physical_Host_CPU_Core_Count / 12)

At least one licence per CPU.

One licence covers a maximum of 12 Cores.

VMWare vSphere 4.x Standard/Enterprise

Physical_Host_CPU_Count * RoundUp(Physical_Host_CPU_Core_Count / 6)

At least one licence per CPU.

One licence covers a maximum of 6 Cores.


The ribbon bar shows an additional function, which can be used in conjunction with the licence coefficients.




Update the license coefficient window


Add Coefficient

A wizard will open; with which you can create a new license coefficient.


Edit Coefficient

A wizard will open; with which you can edit the selected license coefficient.


Delete Coefficient

A wizard will open; with which you can delete the selected coefficient.


Add Folder

Add a new folder.


Edit Folder

Edit the marked folder.


Delete Folder

Delete the marked folder.


Add License Coefficient

To add a license coefficient, first select an already existing folder or coefficient and select Add Coefficient in the ribbon bar.

After a new window has been opened, verify whether the target folder is correct. Make adjustments if necessary.




Please note, the folder must exist for you to be able to select it.


Now name the new license coefficient, give optional description and confirm your entries with Next. On the following page you can enter the coefficients and verify. Use the elements of creation for this.


Lizenzkoeffizient angeben

Lizenzkoeffizient angeben


Close the creation of the license coefficient with Finished.


Edit License Coefficients

To edit the license coefficients, mark them and select Edit Coefficient in the ribbon bar or double click on the license coefficients. You can also edit the data that was lodged by the creation.


Delete License Coefficients

If you wish to delete a license coefficient, mark it and select Delete Coefficient in the ribbon bar. Answer the question with Yes and the coefficient will be irreversibly deleted.


Last change on 22.02.2018