Phase: Execute

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Phase: Execute

Version 1.0.0

In Execute you can run Client Commands and view execution logs. Execution logs reflect the exact progress of the execution of a Client Command.


5.7 - Ausführen

Run phase


In the top list you can display all Client Command, or all Client Commands with Released status with the drop-down list. Select a Client Command, which versions of the client commands are displayed in the lower list. From these versions you can select one or more entries with the corresponding checkboxes, after which a summary of the number of Successful or Failed selected versions will be displayed in a status bar. By default, all released versions are automatically preselected.




If multiple versions of a Client Command are released simultaneously, the client will always access the most recently released version, which is available on its assigned file repository.


5.7 - Log


A more detailed view is available if you click on the status bar or the adjacent link. This view lists the clients on which the versions are running. In addition, it states the date and the result of the execution of a release. With an entry in the Logs column, you can view a more detailed of every individual execution.


To execute Client Commands, click on the Execute Client Command icon. This opens a dialog through which you can run Client Commands. Select the Client Commands you would like to run and move them to the To execute box. In the next step, you can run a query for clients and select the clients on which the previously selected Client Commands are to be executed.


Client Command properties


Console script

Part of the Client Command runs in the ACMP Console.


Client script

Part of the Client Command runs on the client.



The Client Command has at least one released version.



The Client Command is protected by a password.



The Client Command can be run from the CommandLauncher.


Run as a task

The Client Command is configured as an Agent Task.

Last change on 10.03.2014