Set Up a Cron Job in MacOS

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Set Up a Cron Job in MacOS

Version 1.0.0

First create a file in the directory /usr/sbin/aagon/inventory with the following content:


python /usr/sbin/aagon/inventory/ smbOutput=HOSTNAME.xml, %ZIELVERZEICHNIS%,%BENUTZER%,%PASSWORT%,%DOMAIN%

exit 0


HOSTNAME = name of the client
ZIELVERZEICHNIS = target directory XML importer
BENUTZER = user with write access for the target directory
PASSWORT = user password
DOMAIN = user domain


Save this file as Then you must change the authorizations of the file as follows:

> chown root:wheel
> chmod 775


Then create the following file in the library directory in the system root of the MAC in the LaunchDaemons directory:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN >
<plist version="1.0">
     <integer>INTERVAL in minutes</integer>


Save this file as aagon-inventory.plist. Then change the authorizations of the file as follows:

> chown root:wheel aagon.inventory.plist
 >  chmod  644  aagon.inventory.plist 


After the next reboot, the script will run as a service and scan the client at the specified interval.

Last change on 10.03.2014