Install Windows updates

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Install Windows updates

Version 1.0.1

To install updates, there are two options: the installation with Client details or with a query. With Client details you can install updates only on a client, and with a query you can install updates on several clients.




To read the installable updates for a client, tthe latter requires an active Internet connection or an active network connection to the WSUS.


Install updates with Client details

Run a query in the Query management. By double-clicking on a client you will open Client details. The Windows update management contains the sub-item Available updates. Select this option to list all available, not yet installed updates on the client on the right-hand side. With the drop-down lists you can specify if you want to display only software updates, only driver updates or updates of both types, and the criteria according to which you want to have them arranged (e.g. product).


Windows updates

Installed Windows updates


The list of available updates displays by default the title of the update, the underlying product as well as its priority (severity) and the KB ID (Microsoft Knowledge Base ID) of the update. The mandatory update field indicates additionally, whether the update is an optional update or a major update. You can add or remove fields by right-clicking on a column header. If you select an update, all necessary information about the update are displayed in the bottom section of the window.




Due to Microsoft API all updates are generally displayed as Not uninstallable before installation. Only when an update is installed, correct information about its uninstallability is displayed.


To install updates on the client, select them and then click Install selected updates . The information about the updates that are to be installed is now transmitted to the client. However, the updates remain present as available updates until they have been installed and recorded by the Windows Update Scanner (see Client Tasks).


Install updates with a query

Run a query in Query management. Highlight the clients on which the updates are to be installed in the query. Now select the entry Windows Update Management and then Install Windows Update .


Windows Update via query


A wizard now helps you to select the update and to install updates. This wizard will list available updates in the same way as this is done in Client details. In this way you can  enter (further) settings for the arrangement of the updates. By default, the updates are listed with the fields Title, Product, Severity, Mandatory update and KB ID, and are arranged by reference of the previously marked clients. If an update is hightlighted, all related information is displayed in the bottom section of the window.



Install Windows updates


If certain clients cannot be taken into account, you will informed accordingly in the top section of the window with the sentence: Some of your clients were excluded. You can display a list of the excluded clients by clicking on this section.


To install updates on the clients, select them and click Install. The information about the updates that are to be installed is now transmitted to the clients. However, the updates remain present as available updates until they have been installed and recorded by the Windows Update Scanner (see Client Tasks).

Last change on 10.03.2014