Embedded images

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Embedded images

Version 1.0.0

The Embedded images tab offers two configuration options that relate to the images embedded in a ticket. With the first configuration option, Download embedded images automatically in the ACMP Console, you can control the behavior of the console in regard to images that are embedded in a ticket. If you uncheck this configuration option, the images embedded in a ticket will no longer be downloaded automatically to the console when the ticket is called. Instead a notice to this effect will be displayed at top end of the ticket, which however offers the possibility to reload the images. This option is used to reduce the network load.


With the second configuration option you can define the intervals at which the ACMP database server is to be searched for orphaned images. Such images could have been used, e.g., in a ticket and later deleted from the ticket. However, the actual image is still in the database. Such images are automatically deleted after a scan interval. Optionally, you can directly start a scan.

Last change on 10.03.2014