Contact email templates

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Contact email templates

Version 1.0.0

This tab includes various email templates, which are able to automatically generate emails when a certain event occurs and to send them to the external contacts (who have submitted a ticket). - KontaktE-MailVorlagen

Create email template


Via the Event drop-down field you can view the template for a certain event and edit it in the fields below. Variables describing the essential information of a ticket are already included by default. You can now change the contents, and of course also use other variables (see Use of variables) to design a dynamic email content. This makes it possible, for example, to include a direct link to the web interface with which the contact can directly call the ticket. To do so, add the following link: http://SERVER/self-service/Pages/TicketDetails.aspx?TicketID=%TicketGuidUrl% and replace SERVER with your server on which the web interface is installed.


Remember to save the modified template using the icon in the quick access tool bar.

Last change on 28.11.2014