OS Deployment

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OS Deployment

Version 1.0.0

OSDeployment - BootImages

OS Deployment is a solution from Aagon GmbH to help you with network-wide operating system installation. The distribution is based on Windows PE.


This allows you to create boot images, set up operating systems and product keys, store drivers and answer files with ACMP OS Deployment. You can also create job collections that help with the installation of standard software.


To perform a rollout, you need a boot image, an operating system, an answer file, and a rollout template. You can also enter a product key, integrate drivers, and compile a job collection.


You already have 15 test licences with no further obligation so that you can conduct your initial testing. Once you activate purchased licences, these test licences expire. They cannot be offset.


For instructions on how to integrate licences, refer to Licences..


OSDeployment - Betriebssysteme

OSDeployment - Antwortdateien

OSDeployment - Produktschlüssel

OSDeployment - Treiber

OSDeployment - JobCollections

OSDeployment - RolloutTemplates


Status Window

The status window on the right side of the ACMP console provides a quick overview of the components present in the ACMP OS Deployment. You can see which necessary and optional components for a successful rollout have already been added and which are still missing.


The following markings are possible:



A valid element is already available


Not available

A valid element is not available


Optional element not present

A valid optional element is not available

Last change on 17.02.2017