Overview of ACMP

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Overview of ACMP

Version 1.0.0

Aagon Client Management Platform

The Aagon Client Management Platform - ACMP for short - was developed as a central platform for managing your network. A high degree of user-friendliness ensures structured results with just a few clicks, even without making a tedious study of the manual. The platform can also manage active network administration functions.



Due to its modular structure, the ACMP inventory can be extended by a range of additional options without requiring users to acquint themselves with a new interface. These possibilities, hereinafter referred to as Solutions, will now be briefly explained.

Additional information



ACMP Inventory is the free solution for inventory processes and forms the basis for all other modular solutions. It is able to read out mre than 300 hardware values ​​and all Windows operating systems, and can save to a central inventory database.

ACMP is shipped with a full cost-and royalty-free Report Builder, which allows you to graphically design your search results and present them in a intelligible form with structured tables and charts.



The professional control of anti-virus solutions in your network.

With the Security Detective, you can determine

if all clients are protected,
which antivirus program is being used,
which antivirus definitions are installed,
whether the anti-virus services have been activated,
whether all computers have the latest anti-virus definitions, and much more.



With ACMP desktop automation, you can read out up to 200 additional values ​​of the client compared to the Inventory version. These include, for example, various hardware data, system configurations or data of the installed software. In addition, the integrated client management makes it possible to centralize administrative tasks by means of so-called Client Commands. These include, for example, the acquisition of various data, installation of various software packages or the administration of the system. In addition, you can combine your inventoried computers to any kind of group (e.g. according to users or departments) with the help of the containers and manage each group individually. Custom fields are used to create any number of new fields in your database. You can integrate these fields into forms that will be displayed to your users in freely configurable intervals, and which then have to be populated. For example, you are able to collect data on which department has which machines and the inventory number of the computer, without having to check each computer personally.



The solution for the professional recording and management of support requests. This makes it possible for you to receive, manage and process the broades possible range of support requests. It allows for support requests received by email or by phone. The queries can be saved with detailed information and attachments. Requests can be forwarded on other employees, while a priority management system makes it possible to process support requests as quickly and specifically as possible. Escalation levels and reminders help to ensure that no work disappears unresolved in the system and remains dormant.



The solution Retired Clients allows you to retired clients and guaranteed the completely mapping of a client lifecycle up to the scrapping. Important documents and all facts about the client are still retained and can be seen by the ACMP console.

The closure causes that all connections to other solutions, expect the connection to the ACMP Helpdesk, will be deleted. A retired client isn't shown in any container and don't use any software licenses.

Last change on 16.11.2017