Ticket overview

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Ticket overview

Version 1.0.1

The ticket overview is subdivided into the main sections Queries and Tickets. In the Queries section, you will find all ticket-related queries, which you can also find in the Ticket Management system of the Helpdesk with the console. With a double click, you can run these queries. You can also select a query and click the Run button. - Ticketübersicht


The Tickets section displays the result of the query most recently executed. This is done in a grid, similar to the one used by the Console. Just as in the Console you can move the column heads in the top row to allow further sorting of the results. In addition, you can filter the tickets according to the entered value with the input fields located at the top of each column.


If you have applied a filter to the query results, the corresponding filter will be shown below the results. With the checkbox before the filter, you can switch the filter off or on. If the filter is not adequate, you can extend and modify it as required. Just click on the filter text. It opens a small dialog. If you now click on an object, all available options will be displayed, and you can place them in the required position. - Filter


If you have recovered the right ticket, you can view the details by double-clicking or by selecting the ticket and clicking the Ticket details button. The New ticket button opens a new ticket form for creating a new ticket.

Last change on 10.03.2014